Previous to moving was painting... all week long my family (most especially my mother) helped us paint as well as some wonderful friends. We had fun and we were really happy with the result!
As you can see there was a ton of spackling involved and some maintenance...

These are not all the people who helped paint... just the ones I remembered to take pictures of!
Here it is all finished!

With the painting done, it came time to move! July 2nd was a warm day, but we had lots of people come help!

Here are my photogenic friends, Michelle and Peter (to be married in almost exactly a month!).

So, with two trips from Wymount to our new apartment, we were moved! We were exhausted, too, but with the help from my mom, sister, brother, and a few friends we were almost all unpacked by that night! The exception was the office, but considering the amount of stuff we have, I was proud of us!
Hey Heather lady! Will email me that last picture? Could be good for the files.... :) It was so fun helping you move!! Thanks for the muffins :) You're pretty awesome, dontcha know. And your new apartment looks so gooood!