
Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Happy birthday to Jed; We're glad you're not dead..."

(You can thank our future brother in law, Danny Adams for the blog title)

Who's birthday is it today?

This guy's!

My dear Jed is 24 today! That seems so old to me and yet I know it's so young. This is the third birthday we've celebrated together. Ca-razy. To celebrate his birthday, I am going to say some of the things I love the most about Jed!

1) He is very in tune and responsive to me and my emotions. Let's be honest: women are emotional. Pregnant women are ridiculously emotional. Not only had Jed learned how to respond to me and my emotions pre-pregnancy, he did amazingly while I was pregnant, as well as with some of the ups and downs in this first month of having a baby. I am so grateful for a husband who pays attention to how I'm feeling and does his best to make me as happy as possible! In addition to that, even if he's upset too, he does his very best to work past that and help me feel better. What a guy!

2) He is so smart. Jed knows so much about history, geography, politics, Star Wars ;), current events, and so many other things, but those are the things I know very little about. I ask him about a lot of things and I am always so impressed with how much he knows. We've been recording Jeopardy (maybe this is nerdy, but we are loving it!) and Jed knows so many of the answers! (If only he knew more about literature and authors, he could totally rock the show!) I also love that when he finds a topic of interest (say, for example, our new baby), he is a great researcher and an avid learner to try to find out everything he needs to know. I feel confident in his abilities to take care of our family and teach our children.

3) He is a great church member and priesthood holder. Never have I worried that he could not care for us spiritually. Jed knows a lot about the scriptures (I suppose 2 years of a mission will do that to ya) and I love it when we have discussion on spiritual topics because he often has an idea I have never thought of. I also feel so blessed that I have a husband who fulfills his callings and priesthood duties. He stays worthy to take me to the temple for a date once a month as well as give me blessings when I need them (which with the pregnancy and the pre-eclampsia, I needed several!). So I feel blessed to have a worthy man by my side!

4) He is a funny man. I think my friends and their husbands would agree, it is so fun to have Jed around. I love his humor and we have a lot of fun together.

5) He is a great dad. Jed has not had much experience with babies, especially newborns, but despite that I don't worry one bit that Jed won't do well taking care of Chris. He has such love for him and is so caring. He also is really great about asking me to show him how to do things when he doesn't know. I love that! I know that because he does that, he doesn't just expect me to be the caretaker of the children. He wants to learn so that he can do it too. I know I'll be the main caretaker, being the stay at home mom, but I'm glad that Jed is so good at learning how to be a parent so that if I am ever away, he will be able to take care of our children by himself and our house won't fall apart! Now I just need Jed to want to learn how to cook....

So I hope I don't make you jealous that I have such a great partner in life and eternity. Ha ha, but seriously, I have a great man in my life and I'm so grateful for him. Happy birthday to my love; I can't wait to share many more birthdays as the years go by!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! And agreed, Jed is a great man! Glad we got to celebrate part of his birthday with you guys!
