
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Venting Session

Recently, a position opened up at the Bookstore in the Text department, which as you may or may not know, is where Jed works. So I applied and had an interview, which I think went GREAT! I should mention, there were two men interviewing me.

Later that day, one of the men, one of Jed's bosses, told him he liked all four of the people he interviewed and would hire all of them if possible. So good, he liked me.

A few days later, I check up on the job, and I didn't get it. Sad day, but since I have a job, not the end of the world. Still sad though.

Today, a week or so later, Jed talks with his boss again. Boss starts talking to Jed about me. Apparently, I was his number one pick for the job! So what happened? The other man thought I wasn't friendly enough.

Let me ask you, am I friendly? I believe so. I think I can be, at times a little more friendly than some people may like. But personally, I think I was the perfect bit of friendly in my interview.

So, I just wanted to talk about how RIDICULOUS it was that I wasn't hired because I wasn't friendly enough! Crazy people. I should mention that the one boss wanted to hire me and tried to convince the other guy, but boss number two said he wouldn't budge.

On a happier note, I only have one more semester of working custodial (which I'm thankful I do have) and possibly any salary per hour job, and then I will be student teaching, and then perhaps a teacher with a salary per year! Yay!

Hope you have a good day!


  1. i think you are very very friendly. that guy was ca-razy! i hate interviewing, thinking it went well, and not getting the job.

  2. I know. It's awful since you have no idea what the other people are like. The nice thing is, I think I did as well as I could since the other guy was going to hire me. So I did my best!

  3. THAT IS SO DUMB!!!!! I'm so sorry.... :-( I totally know what you mean about the custodial's kind of lame...but it's at least good so it can tie you over until you get a better one. :-) I am so proud of you for sticking it out this long!

  4. Ha ha thank you. It's not fun to think I have to wake up at 5 for another semester... but I can do it!
