
Monday, March 28, 2011

It's official!

If you want to find me next year, go not further than here:

Vineyard Elementary School in Vineyard, Utah (which is practically Orem). Yes! That's right! You people out there who read my long post about my job interview with Alpine know that I wasn't sure where I would work, but hoped to work at Vineyard. I had to meet with the teacher at Vineyard over the Kindergarten/Autism Unit, which I did. It went super well and it honestly seems more like a student teaching position than internship, so that makes me feel really great about next year. I was so scared of being all on my own and not knowing what to do, so the way she set up the classroom, I'll have her help in the classroom almost the whole year! It's awesome.

I also have to put a shout out to how thankful I am for prayer! I do not doubt that I got this job because I had the right mind set and showed my Heavenly Father I relied on Him by praying to Him several times daily for help. I love it! Pray often!

So anyways, have a great day! I hope things go well for you all, too!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Emergency Preparedness

Last night we made dessert popcorn. It's probably awful for you, but it's great. I was inspired by Popcornopolis' Cinnamon Bun popcorn and the Mallow Magic popcorn from the store (go buy it... it's amazing!). So anyways, popcorn made with a frosting it got tossed it. There was extra frosting. Jed ate it all! I have come to realize over the almost 11 months of marriage we have had that he loves frosting. Graham cracker sandwiches with frosting in the middle--loves them. If we have frosting in the fridge, he will just pull it out and eat it by itself. It's one of the things we have in common.

So, I'm always trying to think of things I can surprise Jed with either for fun or if he had a bad day. Girls are easy: flowers, chocolate, dinner out so I don't have to cook, back rub, lots of cute things. Guys: back rub.... food.... I don't know! We have discovered that the strawberry frappucino from Starbucks (one of the few menu items that does not have caffeine), is one of these things that will made a bad day good for Jed. Now I realize another thing: frosting. Chocolate frosting to be exact.

I just love figuring these things out. You can guarantee the next time I go to the store, chocolate frosting will be bought and stored. Part of our emergency preparedness, right?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

As some of you may know, I have been stressing about finding a job for next year!

Now you're asking, "She's graduating already?!" Not quite.

For the last year of my major, which is Special Education in case you don't know, I can either Student Teach or Intern. Student Teaching involves what you probably already know, but I'll explain anyways. You're under a teacher and you help out in the classroom, eventually taking more control, and then fading back out. You only do this for a semester and you don't get paid. Interning, on the other hand, is where you are basically a first year teacher, but with a mentor teacher. So you are the main teacher of your own classroom with your own students, but you have someone who gives you advice, helps you out with the hard stuff (and in the beginning it's ALL the hard stuff), and blah blah blah. Oh and you get half salary. I have decided to go the intern route because I will learn a ton and earn money for all the work I will put in!

So I have applied to a few positions in Nebo School District (Springville down to Santaquin) and Alpine School District (Orem up to the point of the mountain). Nebo didn't hire me but hired a friend from class for the kindergarten they had an opening with (so I can't be too sad because I like her) and then they wanted me for a Junior High... I have never had an interest in Junior High. You have to deal with puberty, growing kids who might discover that they can actually hurt me when they hit me, puberty, junior high drama, puberty... Oh and possibly starting them on their plans for transitioning out of High School into the real world (I have a class on this right now.... my least favorite so far...). So I've never wanted Junior High, but I was going to consider it, because what if it was my only job offer??

So on Friday was my interview with Alpine. I was interviewing to be a teacher in one of their Small Group Autism Units. This means that it's Kindergarten or the younger elementary ages and it's a group of kids who all have Autism or Asperger's. Wow! You may ask why I want that, but I do! Autism fascinates me. Also, because they want these students to eventually be integrated into all the normal classes as they get older, they really want some great teachers for these classes. So, they set it up so that you co-teach at the beginning of the year, and then as the months go by the teacher fades out and eventually the intern is the only teacher with the other one helping periodically. Fantastic, right? Extremely ideal, if you ask me.

So I interviewed. The man interviewing me was so great and so friendly, so immediately I felt at ease. They had made it clear when I signed up for the interview that I needed to upload my resume, letters of recommendation, etc. onto Alpine's website before the interview, which I did, and yet he seemed pleasantly surprised that I had completed that by the time I had the interview. They seemed to think it was harder than it actually was.... So right off the bat I impressed them!

I've taken way too long to get to this point, but in the end, they offered me a job! Right then and there at the end of the interview. No second interview necessary! Normally, they send a few interns/teachers to the principals to decide, but they knew from my glowing letters of recommendation (thank you Shelley and Lynnette!), my resume, and my apparently great interviewing skills that they wanted me! How nice and flattering! So they gave me the weekend to think it over and after going to the temple, praying, and doing a pros/cons list (those who know me know I HAVE to make these. I made one of these when deciding if I wanted to marry Jed), we decided that this was the right job for me!

Pluses of the job: I get half salary and FULL benefits (which also cover Jed and any children that may come along the way), a co-teacher, the opportunity to stay with the district basically until I retire (as long as I am as good a teacher as they think I'll be), great training, great people to work with, and a district which I could work in if I lived in Utah Valley OR Salt Lake Valley. It's just amazing.

So, I thank you all for your prayers of help, and now that I have a job you can pray that I actually do well! But really, I should take this opportunity to point out that while I prayed and prayed for what I wanted, I was reminded throughout this last month that it is the Lord's will that I should follow. I didn't get the first job I interviewed for. It was a great job, but it wasn't in the Lord's plan for me. It's hard, but I can testify that having faith that everything will work out is the way to live! I know, I only had to worry for 3 1/2 weeks. But tougher times will come and hopefully I can remember what I've learned, that the Lord has a plan and I need to follow it! Thank goodness for prayer, scriptures, priesthood blessings, patriarchal blessings, and the temple to help you along the way.

Anyways, if you actually read to the bottom of this page, what a good friend you are! You care enough about me to read all of my ramblings, and I don't doubt that can be a tedious thing. Thanks for reading! I'll keep you updated on what else happens with my job, school, and anything that happens with Jed. In case you wonder, Jed is making it through school and work. He can't wait for the summer, and he's a great husband who supports me as I approach the real world of real people jobs!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amy + Brandon = Love!

So last Friday, my great friend Amy got engaged! Her wonderful boyfriend-now-fiance Brandon came up with an elaborate plan for her to walk through their 'firsts' (meeting, hand holding, kiss, "I love you") which led her to different places, ending at the temple where he was waiting for her! It was super cute. Me and my old roommies Natalie and Karlee got to help by picking out a dress that Brandon bought for her and then helping her on the day to get ready. It was way fun!

These are just two of my favorite pictures with Amy:

Knowing me, as you all do, you know I can't go to an event without making something. Luckily, Brandon agreed to let me make something for the "after party" they had after dinner to celebrate their engagement with family and friends. So I decided to make cream puffs! My lovely mother helped me last fall make them, and so I decided to embark on the adventure alone this time around.

Cream puffs are surprisingly easy. That is, they are easy if you follow the recipe. I doubled the recipe because I figured there would be upwards of 30 people at the party, and so I doubled all the ingredients. However, I failed to double the water. So, after adding EIGHT eggs to the flour/butter/water mixture, I realized my mistake. I was super annoyed with myself, after all I just wasted EIGHT eggs, so after a little moment to myself, I started over again, and this time the dough was perfect.

Thanks to my mother, I had a nice big decorating tip that made it easy to make little balls of dough. I put them in the oven, and prayed they'd turn out. I had researched on to find the most consistent recipe and baking time. But they all had different baking times or temperatures! Thankfully, the puffs turned out great!

Next I filled them with my wonderful decorating tip my sister gave to me for my birthday.

The next day I went to my mom's house and she showed me how to make cute little rosebuds with flowers, so with that my cream puffs were finished!

They were a hit at the party, and Amy and Brandon looked super in love! Let me tell you, I can't wait for June 17th because it's going to be a great wedding. Congrats, you two! I love you both and you are perfect for each other!

(My roommates from freshman and sophomore year. Love them!)

Gimme a break

You know what I hate? The Kit Kat bar commercials.

If you know me, then you know one of my biggest pet peeves is hearing people chew and swallow... blech, grosses me out even thinking about it. Sad thing is, it doesn't even have to be louder than normal or someone chewing with their mouth open. Anything is gross to me. This is why I prefer breakfast by myself because breakfast is a quiet meal. Everyone's tired, nothing's happened in the day to talk about yet, so no one talks but everyone chews. And it's usually cereal, which is crunchy and some people slurp their milk.

Back to the Kit Kat commercials.

The past few have been them being creative by doing their little jingle/theme song for Kit Kat, but using chewing and opening packages as the "notes." Hulu shows it all the time! I can't handle it! It's so gross. I do not want to hear people chewing, and having them chew in a melody and rhythm helps absolutely nothing.

The end.

P.S. While it makes me want to boycott Kit Kat bars... I still love to eat them :)