
Sunday, September 12, 2010


For a couple of weeks now I've been thinking of getting a scooter to get around faster, and to act as a second car.  I've been looking on KSL and Craigslist for something that actually works, but isn't too expensive.  Finally I found one from a guy in Provo.  Yesterday I went to look at it, and bought it from him.  I'm so excited.  It's 150cc, gets about 50 miles to the gallon, has 1400 miles on it, and works great.  The guy I bought it from just replaced the battery and the muffler, so I'm pretty happy with the state it's in.  The registration ran out in June though, so I have to go tomorrow to renew it.  Until then, I just ride it around Wymount.  Heather decided to face her fears and sat passenger on it while I drove her around today.  It was a lot of fun.  Heather was less scared by the end.  I love my new scooter.  I'm trying to think of a name for it.  My initial thought was Doris, but I'm not sure yet.

My New Hog

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bread, Bowling, and Sunflowers

This was a busy Labor Day weekend!

Saturday my wonderful friend Natalie helped me get started with my bread making! I'm hoping to make bread every couple of weeks so that we can save money instead of buying bread from the store! Also, it's whole wheat bread so it's healthier. Basically, I make two loafs and then about a dozen rolls. Here's how it turned out!

That afternoon I made some cupcakes from my book "Hello, Cupcake" for a woman I visit teach (it was her birthday) and then also for dessert on Sunday with Kyli (see previous post for that story...). I had SO much fun making these! I think I made a little noise of excitement after every single one. I seriously can't wait for the next birthday to come up so I can try out another one from the book! So here are my sunflowers:

They're cute, right?

So Monday unfortunately I had to work, but that evening Jed and I went with my family to dinner at the One Man Band diner and then bowling. My family is not exactly talented at bowling, so I think Jed was the only person to get over 100.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We were gone for five minutes...

So today was a great Sunday! We were having a grand ole time at dinner at Kyli and Brad Bishop's house (it's super cute), including the sunflower cupcakes I made. Pictures will follow about those, but for now I will just speak of the eating of the cupcakes. We ate, and then all went over to my old roommates' apartment, Amy and Natalie to give them some of the cupakes. We were there for literally five minutes when Kyli came in saying, "Isn't your car the blue Santa Fe? The mid-size SUV? Out on the side of Gold's Gym? It's getting towed." Yes, today was Sunday, and the tow man I suppose was making his rounds. So I ran out there and told the guy, "Whoa, stop, that's my car!" You know what he tells me? "70 bucks for me to drop it, $140 if I tow it." No other words, just to the point, I suppose. This man obviously meant business so I ran to get Jed and his wallet, but as I went I just thought, Really??? Needless to say we were unhappy. I mostly found it ironic that it took longer for him to copy down our credit card information than to press the two buttons to get our car off the towing mechanisms. So there goes $70 down the drain for a 10 minutes operation...

One thing that we found rather... silly? Stupid? Ironic? These two guys drove past us staring, you know when you're on the side of the road and people drive past you slowly staring the whole time, their heads turning as their car advances and they can't see you quite so easily, so there they were staring at us getting towed, and then they park in the Gold's Gym parking lot too! Let me tell you, (and they were long gone or else we would have told them, too) but that man, as soon as he left our car went immediately to their car, and unfortunately they weren't quite so lucky as us to have someone tell us to get out there to stop the towing.

So it wasn't the best ending to our Sunday, but we were cheered up by watching this week's Psych episode when we got home. Shawn and Gus never fail to make us happy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life and what it brings

Today in class I met a great girl with whom I hope to become good friends, and she just amazed me. She told me about her life story and I just can't even imagine. She became a widow at 22. She had been married to her husband for one month and two days, and one day he was killed in a car accident. That alone just sounds like such a trial. I had heard of stories like this and mentioned to Jed jokingly he better not do that to me, but now I actually know someone personally who had this tragedy happen to her.

So not only did that amaze me, but the very brief time we talked she summarized a lot of the problems she had to go through as she has been blessed to find a second husband, whom she married almost a year ago. She told me of the troubles it was for her to adjust, to trust that this man was the right man for her, the troubles for her husband to understand and accept how important her first husband was to her and how important he himself is to her now. It makes me wonder first of all the trials my poor mother went through getting married again, things we've never talked about, but also the faith one must have to have a tragedy like this happen.

I know I have a testimony of God and of the Plan he has for us, and that was strengthened when my dad died, but for some reason something like this, something where you don't feel like you had a chance with a person, it's crazy. It takes a lot of faith to trust in God's plan because we just don't understand. I thought all the way on my walk home from school about this, and I still can't conclude what I think about it, but what my conclusion is to this post is that this is why having a testimony, having the church, having church leaders to council you, having prayer and knowing that the person on the other end hears you, this is why it is so important because life will bring you hard things, but when you can rely on God through it all, it may not be easy, but you'll be able to make it! I feel like I have a mini talk, and so to conclude my mini talk I suppose I'll bear my testimony that I know that the Savior understands us and it is through Him and the Atonement that we can move past the hardships in life and learn from them. Amen and hope you have a good day!