
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am a total stalker.

Backing up, I never thought I'd be into blogs. I just have never been good at keeping a journal, so I thought blogs would be the same.

Keeping up with old friends, this I'm not very good at either. I forget. That is one reason I love facebook because I get to stay in the loop with people and their lives.

Then I got married and we started a blog. Mostly Jed's idea, actually. And then the obsession started.

No, I don't follow any blogs. But in my Google Reader I have... oh let me check....35 blogs I read on a regular basis.

Back to the stalking. I don't like "following" a blog because then I can't follow the random people I don't know that well but still want to know what's going on in their lives but don't want them to know that I read their blog... Am I weird?! I think it goes back to the gossip in me that I try to repress/get rid of, but I just can't help seeing what people are doing in their lives! Reasons for this? Well for one thing, I have good feelings for all of these people/care that they are having a great life! Another reason, they give me good ideas: ideas for decorating, activities, cute things to do on dates, etc. And for one last idea: some people are just dang funny and I enjoy the laughs their blogs give me.

So for any of you that read my blog and are stalkers, too: Go for it. Just be sure your blog is posted on your "Info" page on Facebook so I can stalk you back.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today I went to my cousin Sam's swim meet.

I enjoy swim meets. Probably more than most people because I used to swim, so I get some sort of pleasure from watching/remembering when I did it, too.

At this meet, I noticed something that made it especially entertaining.

There are always noisy fans at every sporting event. There really should be. I think that's why golf tends to be boring.... it's so quiet. And there are other things. But this post isn't about golf.

So it always makes me a little amused to watch fans who are way into the game. They yell at the ref, tell the people to run faster, say how they shouldn't have done this, they should have done that. I know we all know they can't hear you, so we all have fun and continue in however we express ourselves at games.

However. There was a row of Wyoming fans a few rows ahead of me who were way into the game. One man kept standing and yelling and waving his hand. Okay. Then there was this woman. She kept pointing. Like she was telling the swimmer, "Swim that way! That way!" She kept doing it! Over and over! I was so amused. So we all know that they can't see you, so what's the point in pointing? And then, hello, they're swimming in a swimming pool in lanes. You know these things. They are these long ropes with floaties on them to keep people in a straight line. So there is absolutely no need to tell a swimmer where to swim because they have only two options: Where they just came from or the other way.

I suppose people, you can take from my post this: Be a fan. Be a loud fan. Be a proud fan that makes a fool of themselves at the game. But have some common sense. Or don't. It keeps us other fans amused. Either way, it's better than being a lame fan.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Take your Flintstone vitamins!

When I was younger, it was the biggest treat when we had Flintstone vitamins. It's really a tribute to some people's smartness in making vitamins look like characters from a show and also children's gullibleness to like anything that has to do with a show they watch or toy they play.

So in the months of December and January, I got sick 3 times with a nasty cold, one of them beginning on Christmas. The first time was annoying. The second, unfortunate and annoying. But when the third one hit me, Jed and I figured there was some other thing going on here than just a cold.

To make a long story short, I went to the doctor and she said I had a Vitamin D deficiency! It makes you fatigued (when you're deficient) and weakens your immune system. A lot of people have this, especially during the winter months because where do you get vitamin D? When you're in the sunlight!

So I started taking a pill every morning, and I just have to tell you how amazing the difference is! Before, I had the HARDEST time waking up. Now? Well waking up for work at six still isn't my favorite, but I don't drag out of bed and moan to myself all morning like I used to. I feel so much better because November and December were really tired months. I thought I was just being lazy and wasn't getting enough sleep (which I wasn't), but now that I have this revelation, I can actually tell what a difference sleep does to my day, where before I was tired no matter what.

While I don't necessarily recommend that ALL of you go out there and get some vitamins to take, I completely see the value of them and appreciate those Flintstone Vitamins a lot more now.

Have a happy day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

50 cents = Lots of Money

I got a raise yesterday! 50 cents. It's so sad how little 50 cents is but Jed and I were both so happy! But just think about it:

That's another $2 every day I work (minus taxes and tithing...)

so that's another $10 a week

and another $40 a month! 50 cents adds up so fast!

Then Jed was a great example and said we should think about what we're doing right that we got this blessing. I loved it! We couldn't pin point anything specific, but we are grateful to be living life the way the Lord would like us to. Of course we're not near perfect, but we're workin' on it, and perhaps it's simply our effort to be obedient that this blessing came from!

We'll celebrate hopefully by never spending this extra $40 a month ha ha.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Garlands, ornaments, and mini Christmas trees

Last night I put away ALL the Christmas decorations. We had one Rubbermaid box to put all the decorations in...they didn't fit. At the beginning of the December, I thought we'd have about two things to show we get into the Christmas spirit. Now we have an overflowing box! It's great.

But anyway, stuffed those into our storage closet and organized the whole thing. It is so wonderfully clean! And house looks so bare. It made me wish I had curtains of some sort and perhaps a few more things to hang on my wall (and a wall that wasn't cinderblock so I COULD hang things on it). The good thing is we plan on living here probably till next April (as in 2012) and so I have plenty of time to find cheap decorations we can afford.

Next item on my to do list: vacuum up the garland's sheddings.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new

Happy New Year!!!!

Well, I feel like with this big celebration, we need a blog post!

I asked Jed what the highlight of 2010 was, and we thought for a minute before we realized it should probably be OUR MARRIAGE, and we both agree it definitely was. We were just talking today that the first year of marriage is supposed to be the hardest, but we have been so blessed temporally and we have adjusted to living with another person and the different life of being married to someone well, and so we both feel so lucky! (I know I'm jinxing myself for some awful years in the future by saying all this. I'm knocking on wood as we speak.)

So then we talked about what we look forward to the most for 2011. Jed had nothing to say. He settled on Christmas (I would guess for two reasons: free stuff and free time). Well I suppose, low expectations means that he won't be disappointed!

I, on the other hand, have several hopes and dreams for this new year, and I am still deciding if I want to put them on a blog for the world to see... So one of my hopes and dreams is to graduate! If I could only get myself to work on my online class, then that with the few semesters I have left will mean that I can graduate in December! What a crazy huge accomplishment that will be. Another thing I look forward to that I HOPE will happen in 2011 is to expand our family.... If you know what I'm saying ;). We'll see how that goes when the time comes and you know you'll hear about it, whether by phone, text, email, facebook, blog, or even in person if we're lucky enough to live near you.

So there you have it. 2010 was such an eventful year! Full of blessings, full of family, full school and work, and all in all a great year. 2011 will be EVEN BETTER!