
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving and Christmas Decorating!

Hey hey hey! So I have two things to tell you about. First, I never posted these cute, cute little turkeys we made at our Primary activity this month. So they're pretty self explanatory, but just so you know, the head is an extra large malt ball.

So for family home evening last night, Jed and I decorated for Christmas! My mom got new garlands this year, so she kindly is letting us have her old garlands. So we thought we'd hang them all around the room, and then I thought we could hang Christmas ornaments on them! Jed has gotten an ornament every Christmas from his parents every year, so he has a lot, and our tree, as you can see, is little...

So I measured, hung up hooks (thank you 3M for your Command strips), hung the garland, then Jed hung the Christmas ornaments, and then we plugged it in. Yeah, we didn't even think to plug it in before all the hanging and decorating. So you could probably guess what happened. It didn't light. It was funny, really, how we really should have thought of plugging them in to make sure they worked BEFORE doing all the decorating. But oh well. Better luck next year.

(P.S.... FHE was last night, and today I turned them on, and half of them work! Now to just figure out the other half...)

1 comment:

  1. The curse of christmas lights. No matter how carefully I store them it is the same story every year!
