
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bath Time!

Tonight was Chris's first bath! He could only have sponge baths before, so now that his umbilical cord and ring (circumcision) have fallen off, we could have a real bath!

I was worried for the bath.... would he hate it? Well, he didn't! He loved it. He was a happy camper almost the entire time, and the only time he cried was when I took him out of the bath and was drying him off. I understand--it's awful being so cold!
In the tub

Finally dry, finally happy

After the bath, after getting all cozy and warm and getting his perfectly soft hair brushed, I thought we could read. And he loved it! I didn't expect much from reading, but he actually looked at the book the entire time. His eyes never left the book! I'm very excited. We have a little reader on our hands.

Here's a few other pictures we've taken the last couple of days:

This is a favorite of ours. Ha ha he was a happy camper to just sit there.


  1. He's adorable! What a cute boy!

  2. i just want to die of happiness every time i see his cute face
