
Monday, November 26, 2012

Dear Chris: Eight (and 1/2) Months

Oh Chris how time flies! We can hardly believe you are eight months old. We look back at pictures of you when you were first born and it is incredible how different you are.

Your improvements in your motor skills are probably the most exciting thing these days. You've gone from pushing up on your hands when on your stomach to now almost always just chillin' on your hands and knees, often rocking back and forth, then on General Conference weekend you finally sat up by yourself! It was so fun to see that. And only a week later, the day after your 7th month birthday, you crawled for the first time! So amazing! And no, just two weeks later, you are going everywhere. Your favorite things to crawl to are the shoe bin, the dishwasher when its open, and our little shelf with toys. We've definitely had to move things around so you won't chew on nasty things (like my sandals) or break things (like the xbox, which you in fact did break--the cd tray to be specific). But it is so fun to see you move to get the toys you want. Everything is a toy, which is good and bad ha ha. You also love to splash in the bathtub and play with bath toys. It's also pretty adorable when you want me. You will cry and crawl to me and it's pretty irresistible. But pretty soon you will be walking! You pull yourself to standing everywhere, and even cruising, walking along the couch and coffee table. I think it would be fun to have you walking by the end of December, when we have our Stephenson family reunion. I think your grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins would love to see that.



At your last doctor's appointment (yes that was two months ago....) we got your measurements. You are 19 pounds, 4 ounces (80th percentile) and you are 27 1/2 inches long (85th percentile). What a big boy you are! But really, you are so big! We love it, but you do get heavy after a while. The doctor said once you start being mobile you won't gain so much weight and if our bathroom scale is to be trusted, you are exactly 21 pounds today!

We love to hear you jabber. You do a lot of "ba ya ya ya" or "a da da da" as well as cooing and gurgling. Last month the big thing was growling. You grunted and growled at things you like a lot. Ha ha it is so funny! I am the lucky one who gets to hear you babble the most, because you certainly have a lot to say when you first wake up! Makes me wonder what you dream about....

I love how you sleep. You curl up in this little ball, with your arms and legs tucked underneath you and your bum sticking up in the air. So cute! You do so well falling asleep on your own. You don't quite sleep through the night, but we're working on it. You do let us get a good amount of sleep, so we can't complain.

You eat so well, obviously, but I'm talking about solids! I make you baby food and freeze it and you've gotten to try a lot of different veggies and some fruit! I don't know if you have a favorite.... you will eat anything we give you! Even beets and spinach! Not a face was made the first time you tried those, so I hope this openness to different foods continues throughout your childhood.... It's also been fun being able to give you things to eat on your own. A pickle spear, waffle chunks, french fries, anything soft and big enough, you will pick up and eat all by yourself! You've even begun eating the packaged little cereal things (maple puffs and wagon wheels). It makes a mess, but it gives me some time to mix up the rest of your food.

Before you gained your ability to crawl around and play with any toy you wanted, your favorite activity was to jump. Seriously, you did it all the time! Now, it's fun but not as fun as moving around! Thankfully we have the johnny jumper to help us out. If I'm in the same room as you, you will jump on that for up to a half hour. You even fell asleep once in the chair because you jumped for so long. For a few weeks I kind of hated Sunday School because of you.... because all you wanted to do was jump, and so my arms got really, really tired.... But now you like to sit and crawl around, which has brought a whole new dimension to church!

You also have gotten so fun to make laugh. Your dad still reigns supreme in getting you to laugh, but the other day playing peek-a-boo.... I gave him a run for his money! Also, the 3 year old I babysit, Porter, he makes you laugh by buzzing his tongue and making fart noises, which makes me believe you are going to be a classic boy. Any time Porter makes a strange sound, you giggle.

Why the bouncy chair is no longer an option for you.....

Oh and last but not least you finally have a tooth! You were crazy clingy and fussy for a week after daylight savings time, but it all resulted in a cute little bottom tooth, so I think it was worth it :)

Chris, we love you so much! What a fun, cute, lively, playful, hilarious boy you are.

Love, Mom and Dad


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