
Monday, November 26, 2012

Life of the Stephensons

Well hasn't it been a while since I've written? I've had my letter to Chris in the works for almost two months... but life is busy! We've discovered having a desktop in the same room as the crib makes it difficult at time to use the computer, and when the computer room is free, the man with the homework gets higher priority than the woman with the blog.....

But anyways, life is so busy! And here's why:

Jed continues school (only one semester left!), and while homework hasn't been terrible, there have been some difficult moments (aka, Stats). He continues to work at the BYU Bookstore as the textbook section manager, but as he's getting closer to school ending, I think he is anxious to be done with it. Adding to these feelings is that amazing news that he got an internship/job! He was lucky enough to have heard about a job opening from one of his good friends from his classes. So he interviewed and got the job! He is the Transportation Planning Intern at Mountainlands Regional Planning. The office is in Orem, but they plan everything to do with city and transportaion planning for Utah, Wasatch, and Summit Valleys. Jed is super excited about this job for many reasons. One fun thing he will be doing is working closely with a professor at U of U, and he's excited about that. So, with two part time jobs and full time school, Jed is a busy, busy man!

I continue to babysit the two kids I started with, and for the last few weeks and the next two I am babysitting another! That means I have a 5 month old, 8 months old, 1 year old, and an almost 3 year old. Yikes! I've discovered that adding a fourth under that age of 3 has been more of a challenge than I anticipated, but he is a cutie and is very well behaved (except when it come to naptime!) so I can't complain too much. However, it keeps me very busy! I'm also busy with my church calling in the Relief Society, but I am loving it so much. You know, having a calling in the Relief Society has been wonderful, because I have gotten to know so many amazing women. I've been so blessed with some of my new friends, and it makes me sad that we will probably be leaving next summer.

Chris is busy as ever, and while I went into great detail with my letter to him in another post, I will summarize. He crawls and stands and babbles and plays with toys and opens drawers and bangs his toys on every surface and eats whatever you put in front of him and has one tooth! So yes, Chris is busy doing his own thing.

We have had one major hiccup in our life for a week, and that was a closet flooding. Nothing was ruined (though we still haven't checked a couple things), but we had to live in chaos with the entire closet emptied out and things placed wherever they could fit around the rest of the house until it was fixed. So, after two weeks, I am happy to say the leak was fixed and the closet put back in order. Other than that, we feel we are in an extremely blessed time of life. We feel so much gratitude right now for our blessings. Among those are our families. We just had a great Thanksgiving spent with my family, and in a month we will be with Jed's family in California, ALL of them for a family reunion! We can't wait.

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