
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Living Vicariously through the Silver Screen

So you know how when you're a teenager and you watch all those cute romantic comedies and they make you all giddy and all excited to find a boyfriend or find the love of your life? Oh who am I kidding, this was me in college, too, pre-Jed. Well, considering that I have found the love of my life, these movies just make me happy to be with Jed and glad I don't have to go through silly drama. And then, when I was engaged and newly married, I watched every movie about weddings I could get my hands on. Say Yes to the Dress was the best TV show ever! Even a couple days after we got married, at the cabin in Lake Tahoe we stayed at, they had a movie collection for us to borrow and both of the movies we watched were about weddings! (Don't I have a great husband who will watch those with me? I think he was just happy we were married so he let me watch whatever I wanted. And we ate popcorn they gave us. I highly recommend this place. We loved it. And they serve you homemade waffles for breakfast. Amazing.)

So now you wonder, what movies make me all giddy and excited now? Movies about pregnancies! Seriously, it's funny how excited I am when I discover a new movie on Netflix that has to do with being pregnant. Then I tell Jed all about it (because why in the world would a man want to watch those?) and he laughs at my silliness and how happy I am and so goes my evenings. It's funny, too, because I feel like the movies are similar to us: Woman gets pregnant and may be scared in the beginning but is super excited and loving it all (hopefully I'll be super excited and loving it all too....) and then the guy is generally scared and worried and recognizes the responsibility of having a baby and is a bit more other words: Jed. While we aren't expecting yet, I have to say that these movies make me super excited for when I can finally say that we are expecting. Jed's excited, too, but still scared for all that is to come. But I'm grateful that for now I can live vicariously through movies until we're lucky enough to be living what is in the movies...At least some of what is in the movies.

P.S. I hope you don't skim this post. At least read it thoroughly enough to know that I'm NOT PREGNANT just excited to become pregnant. I don't want rumors running around...