
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 18

I don't feel like there's any difference from this and last week in the pictures, but Jed says there is. I've certainly felt more pregnant this week!

By the by, I've decided to stop putting my hand on the top of my belly in the pictures because my belly's getting significant enough that you don't need my hand there to see that I have a little baby bump!

Baby Stats:

Length: 5 1/2 inches
Weight: 5-7 ounces
If it were a veggie, it would be a: sweet potato

There are a few things that have happened this week. The biggest factor in how I've been feeling has been the fact that I've been sick all week. I started the week off not feeling well, got a little better, then got much worse. I've had an awful cough with this cold, and the hardest thing is I'll start coughing in the morning, blow my nose, and between those two things there's some mucus mixed in somewhere and it makes me gag and throw up. Or just dry heave. It's really awful and unpleasant. I've only thrown up a couple of times this week though, so while I am still having morning sickness, it continues to subside.

Some pregnancy symptoms I have had the last few days (because I was sick or because of being pregnant, we don't know), but I've had to go to the bathroom at lot more frequently and I've been a lot hungrier. Friday, I swear I ate like 7 times that day, and each time it was nothing much (burrito, two teeny apples, egg in a basket, etc), but the fact that whenever food was presented, I was hungry, that made me think my stomach is beginning to change for my growing baby. Speaking of food, I'm really hungry....

I've also been feeling more and more pressure down in my abdomen. I think my baby's getting big enough that I can feel it a lot more. I hope that at my next doctor's visit, the doctor can tell me how I can feel where the uterus and baby are from the outside. We'll see!

This last part I'm about to mention you may not want to know, but I find it extremely interesting and surprising. Mostly, I mention this for my friends who have yet to be pregnant because I was surprised to find this symptom at 18 weeks, but it's normal. So read on, but read on cautiously. I've had a new change in my body called colostrum: pre-milk. Yeah, Jed was extremely grossed out to hear me tell him that, and I hope you're not too grossed out, but as a woman, this is something so weird and crazy! I always knew that one day I would have the ability to breastfeed my baby, but now it's getting closer and closer and that is so weird to me (slightly exciting, but more weird). I must say, though, I am not looking forward to milk simply leaking out of me...

Two more weeks until we find out the baby's gender! (Hopefully. I would just about die if the ultrasound technician said they couldn't tell.) And that means we're getting closer and closer to the halfway mark! Technically, if I delivered four weeks early, we'd be at the halfway mark right now! I can't believe it. I seriously cannot wait until we have our baby. I know it's going to be hard and I know it's going to be different than I expect, but what a wonderful thing it is going to be. I've wanted to be a mom for years and years. I was never the girl who dreamed about what her wedding was going to be like, but I have planned baby names since I was 8, playing MASH during church or on car trips. These baby names have changed (for instance, I used to want the names Skye and Lily Rose... no more!), but I just love babies.

We had a baby blessing in church and both Jed and I were thinking the whole time about how it will be in 6 months when we bless our own baby. So crazy. Ha ha it also lead Jed to remember the Modern Family episode where Cam and Mitchell announce they adopted a baby... here's the link to the scene

Modern family - Lion King Moment

(P.S. If you want to know our beliefs on gay marriage, here's a link to what we believe: The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Just so we're clear.)

Well, I still have another 5 months of being pregnant, so I should stop the planning of how it will be. I'm grateful for how my pregnancy has gone so far, it could be so much harder, so I know I (and Jed) have been blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy. Here's hoping it continues that way!

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