
Monday, February 6, 2012

Tracking the Baby Bump: 31 Weeks

Here's the picture for this week!

Baby Stats:

Length: 18 ish inches
Weight: 3 1/2 ish pounds
If he were a fruit, he would be: 4 naval oranges

So, the word of the week is... fatigue! I have felt so lazy this week. In the evenings, over the weekend, I just felt so tired. I think a big factor in this is how big I'm starting to get. I just get into a great position on the couch, and then after a while I start to get sore, so I have to move, and it takes so much effort just to shift my weight to move! Getting up from the couch is harder, so I'm very thankful for dear Jed to help me up all the time. I really am getting so big, though. I've had a lot of strangers ask me about when I am due. I think I've finally gotten to the stage where there is almost no mistaking that I am pregnant. People can really tell, even when I have my big coat on. I'm sure it's due to the way I walk, as well. I realized I don't walk with my hips going up and down anymore, they go front to back. Plus, I think I lean back a bit.

Just to show you how big I really am, here is a close up of my stomach. I'm holding back the shirt so you can see just how round this belly is getting!

Crazy, right?

Another blessed fact of the week: I'm officially retaining water. My wedding ring has been retired for the next several months. All last week I struggled to put it on and take it off, which I was hoping was due to the fact that whenever I woke or was going to sleep, I was rather hot. But, I tested it one time when I was cold and I knew my fingers should be smaller, and my ring was still nice and tight. So, Saturday was the day that I had to put my ring into my jewelry box and get out a cheap one I got from Claire's long ago. It's rather sad... My flats are no fun to wear anymore, either. My feet are definitely a bit swollen. Not so much that I can tell, but enough that when I take off my shoes, I have a lovely red line where my shoes were.

I'm sure I had more to say, but I honestly can't think of it! Exciting things are happening this week, though. My birthday is on Wednesday, our first Prenatal Class at the hospital is on Thursday, my 32 week appointment is on Friday, and my baby shower is on Saturday! It's going to be a great week.

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait for your baby shower! it has been forever since i have seen you!
