
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bread, Bowling, and Sunflowers

This was a busy Labor Day weekend!

Saturday my wonderful friend Natalie helped me get started with my bread making! I'm hoping to make bread every couple of weeks so that we can save money instead of buying bread from the store! Also, it's whole wheat bread so it's healthier. Basically, I make two loafs and then about a dozen rolls. Here's how it turned out!

That afternoon I made some cupcakes from my book "Hello, Cupcake" for a woman I visit teach (it was her birthday) and then also for dessert on Sunday with Kyli (see previous post for that story...). I had SO much fun making these! I think I made a little noise of excitement after every single one. I seriously can't wait for the next birthday to come up so I can try out another one from the book! So here are my sunflowers:

They're cute, right?

So Monday unfortunately I had to work, but that evening Jed and I went with my family to dinner at the One Man Band diner and then bowling. My family is not exactly talented at bowling, so I think Jed was the only person to get over 100.


  1. Stop this business! I need you to give me the recipe! Those are the most adorable things ever!

  2. you are the best! that bread brings back fond memories of freshman year. ah i miss those days. and those cupcakes are stinkin cute!

  3. Such cute cupcakes! And beautiful bread! You are such a home-maker. :-)

  4. Cute cupcakes! Yea for the bread too!! We love homemade bread at our house. Just wish we had more freezer space to store more :)

  5. Thanks guys! I will for sure be making other cupcakes so hopefully they turn out as good if not better than these!
