
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life and what it brings

Today in class I met a great girl with whom I hope to become good friends, and she just amazed me. She told me about her life story and I just can't even imagine. She became a widow at 22. She had been married to her husband for one month and two days, and one day he was killed in a car accident. That alone just sounds like such a trial. I had heard of stories like this and mentioned to Jed jokingly he better not do that to me, but now I actually know someone personally who had this tragedy happen to her.

So not only did that amaze me, but the very brief time we talked she summarized a lot of the problems she had to go through as she has been blessed to find a second husband, whom she married almost a year ago. She told me of the troubles it was for her to adjust, to trust that this man was the right man for her, the troubles for her husband to understand and accept how important her first husband was to her and how important he himself is to her now. It makes me wonder first of all the trials my poor mother went through getting married again, things we've never talked about, but also the faith one must have to have a tragedy like this happen.

I know I have a testimony of God and of the Plan he has for us, and that was strengthened when my dad died, but for some reason something like this, something where you don't feel like you had a chance with a person, it's crazy. It takes a lot of faith to trust in God's plan because we just don't understand. I thought all the way on my walk home from school about this, and I still can't conclude what I think about it, but what my conclusion is to this post is that this is why having a testimony, having the church, having church leaders to council you, having prayer and knowing that the person on the other end hears you, this is why it is so important because life will bring you hard things, but when you can rely on God through it all, it may not be easy, but you'll be able to make it! I feel like I have a mini talk, and so to conclude my mini talk I suppose I'll bear my testimony that I know that the Savior understands us and it is through Him and the Atonement that we can move past the hardships in life and learn from them. Amen and hope you have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. wow that's intense, thanks for sharing that. Richard always rolls his eyes when I come up with "what if..." situations, but seriously, it's good to always be prepared with a strong testimony in case those things do happen. Because God is always there.
