
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 16

Week 16 is here! I think I notice an ever so slight difference, what do you think? It's like my tummy has moved a little higher.

Baby Stats:

Length: 4-5 inches
Weight: 3-5 ounces
If it were a fruit, it would be: an avocado

Mommy Happenings:

1) I think I've finally notice a difference in hair/nail growth. My nails have grown really long this last week and I feel like I just cut them. So, maybe those prenatal vitamins are finally affecting my nails! If only I could tell if my hair was growing faster.... I plan on getting my hair cut next month, so we'll see if after that I can tell a difference. On a related note, I hear that you stop losing your hair when you get pregnant. Not so! I've also heard of some women who lose tons more hair. Neither is true for me. I have always lost lots of hair (because of the thickness?), and I have seen no difference in hair loss between pre-pregnancy and currently.

2) Another happy fact: it's been 5 days since I've last thrown up. Yay! I'm actually keeping a count on our dry erase board. I'm hoping the morning sickness has finally decided to move on....

3) Dry skin: it's getting worse. I'm itching all over the place because of it. I've never been a person to put on lotion after my shower or before bed, but now I think one or both might be necessary. It doesn't help that winter is approaching.

4) Cravings. I still don't have any constant cravings, but the cravings are definitely worsening. I think of a food and bam! I want that like nothing else and I can taste it and it would be sooooo good if I actually had it. The funny thing is that whether it's a craving or I am just hungry, by the time I get food, I can eat about half of what I thought I wanted and then I'm stuffed full. It's very strange, and Jed and I have tried to come up with theories as to why, but I think it's just that the baby and the uterus are starting to take up more room in my belly, so my stomach is getting smaller (but at the same time, emptying faster).

5) Acne has finally subsided! I am noticing fewer breakouts, and that makes me happy.

26 days until we find out the baby's gender!

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