
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Why Our Marriage Works

My feet get hot easily (one reason I sleep with my feet sticking out of the covers). Sometimes when they get hot, they itch. So, for a long time, I have rubbed my feet together as I fall asleep.

Jed likes massages. Any kind: head massage, shoulders, neck, back, hands, and feet.

When we are falling asleep, my feet need to rub, and his feet like to be rubbed. I rub his feet with mine, and everyone’s happy! One small reason we were meant for each other.

1 comment:

  1. Heather! I do the same thing! Feet get hot easily and i rub them together as i fall asleep! I hope i find someone who wants there feet rubbed at night. If you know of any other feet rub loving boys, let me know ;)
