
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I am a total stalker.

Backing up, I never thought I'd be into blogs. I just have never been good at keeping a journal, so I thought blogs would be the same.

Keeping up with old friends, this I'm not very good at either. I forget. That is one reason I love facebook because I get to stay in the loop with people and their lives.

Then I got married and we started a blog. Mostly Jed's idea, actually. And then the obsession started.

No, I don't follow any blogs. But in my Google Reader I have... oh let me check....35 blogs I read on a regular basis.

Back to the stalking. I don't like "following" a blog because then I can't follow the random people I don't know that well but still want to know what's going on in their lives but don't want them to know that I read their blog... Am I weird?! I think it goes back to the gossip in me that I try to repress/get rid of, but I just can't help seeing what people are doing in their lives! Reasons for this? Well for one thing, I have good feelings for all of these people/care that they are having a great life! Another reason, they give me good ideas: ideas for decorating, activities, cute things to do on dates, etc. And for one last idea: some people are just dang funny and I enjoy the laughs their blogs give me.

So for any of you that read my blog and are stalkers, too: Go for it. Just be sure your blog is posted on your "Info" page on Facebook so I can stalk you back.


  1. i love stalking you! ha ha of course i already knew you were a stalker. we established that two years ago as we stalked people out of our kitchen window :)

  2. a) I stalk lots of people on Facebook and/or their blog. There is nothing wrong with that.

    b)If you follow blogs using Blogspot, you can choose to follow them privately, so your name won't show up as a follower. And your stalking can continue.

  3. I'm a firm believer in blog stalking. I try not to go too deep. I like to be able to explain to them who I am if I comment.

  4. Ha ha Janan, I think that's a good rule to live by.

  5. I actually just came from stalking JD's blog, and I wanted to comment on one of the posts, but then I realized that I've never even met his wife, so I refrained. That would have been awkward.
