
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Faith in Every Footstep

This Spring Term, besides my two Special Ed major classes, I'm taking Doctrine & Covenants. I have forgotten how much I love these religion classes. If I could do another major, I think it would be some sort of religion studies major (seminary teaching?). I just love learning the history behind all of our scripture because it makes it so much more real and meaningful to me.

In most of the sections I have read, they start out with "A marvelous work is about to come forth" or something to that effect, and every time I read that, it takes me back to the three mission reunions of Jed's I have attended. They were always fun because I could hear about Jed's mission and meet people he talks about, but at the end there was always a spiritual thought from his mission president, often a slideshow, and always we'd sing "O, Canada" and "Faith in Every Foodstep." Those of you who know that song know it start out "A marvelous work is about to come forth, among all the children of men." It is an incredibly powerful song to me and I love the message of the restored gospel. I never had the chance to be an official missionary, but I hope I can share the gospel and the happiness it brings in my life to those around me. It really does bring so much happiness to me. I know that as I read the scriptures I find peace in my life, guidance, and knowledge. I gain a stronger testimony of the restored gospel, that it is true, and a stronger testimony of Christ's eternal sacrifice which allows me to have my body forever and to live with my family forever. This is especially pertinent as mine and Jed's one year anniversary comes up in four days! I am so glad to be sealed to him for eternity, and I am so glad that we can visit the temple as often as we want to learn more and to come closer to God.

Here's the video I watched today. I hope you enjoy it and it brings the Spirit a little stronger into your life!

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