
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Update on Our Life

I feel as if it's been a while since I've posted, then I remember that we had a huge baby announcement a week ago! All is still going well with that. A few things I've learned in the short 8 weeks I've been pregnant:

1) Always carry around snacks. You never know when you'll be stuck in traffic or be waiting to eat a meal and start feeling sick. Generally, I only feel sick when I'm hungry, so I have to eat every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I have those days though when I feel extra sick, generally in the morning and evening. For these times, I've prescribed myself one medicine: Sprite.

I have to tell a story that I just loved. Background: have you ever had Tim's potato chips? They are kind of like the kettle cooked potato chips because they are super duper crunchy, which makes them incredibly addicting. So, last Sunday, Jed ate about half of a bag of those. He did so, knowing the last time he ate so many, he felt sick. Well, this time, he felt way sick. Ha ha the poor guy. So, as we drove to visit my family, he put his hand on my knee and said, "I'm sorry you have to feel like this all the time." Sweet! I felt bad that he felt so sick, but it was so nice of him to make the connection and apply it to all these times I've felt so sick. What a good guy I have to take care of me through this pregnancy. (While on the subject, Jed has been extremely understanding through all of this. So glad I have him.)

2) Emotions will turn on a dime. Poor Jed will say just one little thing and suddenly I feel the need to cry. So both of us have to keep in mind that my emotions are out of whack, and we do fine. Jed has been extremely understanding and will let me cry it out on his shoulder, comforting me even when it's something silly.

3) Weird side effect: Burping. I think a lot of women expect to feel more bloated and gassy, but this was one thing I was not expecting. I've never been one to be able to burp on command, and even now I still can't, but I actually have the normal burps that people can do. I used to have these teeny, air bubble pops, but now I actually have to watch myself or some large burps come out. And of course it happens much more often than it ever did.

So those are a few things I've learned so far as I've been pregnant. Our baby is now about the size of a large raspberry and it's developing it's lips, eyelids, nose, leg/arm buds, and other things like that. There's a picture in my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book for the 2 month old embryo which Jed has decided looks like a baby cow. So, there you have it: I'm growing a 1/2 inch baby cow in my stomach right now.

And about the rest of our lives. This last week has been prep work for me at school, which I've tried to use wisely and do as much as I could, but I honestly ran out of things to do. I can't wait for the little kiddos to start coming because I hate sitting at a computer all day. I know I will be exhausted, but I am looking so forward to it. We tested the kids this week, and we have a huge range of personalities. The one thing that is common with them all, though, is that they are all adorable. I know they will pose many challenges, and they might not stay as cute as they seem, but seriously, after interacting with them for even just a few minutes, I could not help but smile. They are all so special, and I can't wait to see the difference from how they are now to the end of the school year. So, come Tuesday, I finally get to start to teach!

Jed has had a hard week as the bookstore. I bet half the school's population bought their books this week, and the rest will come next week. Jed enjoys his job in general, but he gets frustrated with the long lines and the sometimes frustrated customers. I don't think anyone's yelled at him this week, so that's great! He's also nervous about starting classes again, but this semester he's taking almost all major classes, so I think he'll really enjoy that. We've also figured out that Jed should graduate next December! Yay! So now we have an end in sight. Three more semesters plus a summer internship for Jed, and then it's off to graduate school!

So that's the low down on our life right now. We love our home, love each other, love the friends we get to hang out with, so overall we are very happy. Hope all is well with the rest of you who happen to read our blog!

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