
Monday, January 16, 2012

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 28

Baby Stats

Length: 16ish inches
Weight: 2 1/2 ish pounds
If he were a vegetable, he would be a: chinese cabbage

This week was a great week! I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I have entered the 3rd trimester. It feels so good to know that I am 2/3 of the way done! I have to say, the 2nd trimester was awesome. The first kind of sucked. I was worried the whole time about miscarriage, I didn't look pregnant at all so I felt weird telling people, and every time I brushed my teeth I threw up. Second trimester, it's awesome. You get to see the baby really well on the 20 week ultrasound and find out its gender, you start to be able to feel him move (which as we've discussed is nice and reassuring knowing he's alive in there), and you start to get a cute bump so people can tell you're pregnant!

What am I expecting for the third trimester? Well to be honest, I'm not exactly excited. From everyone, even my books, it seems if they were to choose one word to describe the 3rd trimester, it would be uncomfortable. The baby keeps getting bigger, hurting your back and kicking your ribs and kidney and bladder, or not even kicking, but just settling in a spot that hurts like the dickens, and you just can't move around as much. Lovely, right? But I'm still extremely excited for it. Come February, I will finally arrive in the 30 weeks zone, which honestly has seemed so far away. It's just going to be exciting.

So this week I had my 28 week appointment! First off, I had to do the glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. Everyone told me how nasty it tasted, and honestly it was not pleasant, but not the worst I've had to drink. To me, it tasted like fruity cereal mixed with old orange soda. I drank it through a straw so it was done really fast.

*Side note. As I am typing, the baby is having a little jig on my bladder. They always talk about in my books and things about accidentally peeing a little as your baby kicks your bladder. He has kicked my bladder before, I've always been fine (just uncomfortable). Just now, I have to admit I had a hard time holding it in when he kicked!

Back to the doctor's appointment. So I drank the drink, and an hour later I was getting my blood drawn. Then we had to wait an extremely long time to meet with the doctor (he was the only one in the office at the time.....) but we finally made it in. I gained only 3 pounds! And the appointment before this one I gained 3 pounds. So I am at a healthy weight gain and that makes me feel awesome. I don't know how much I will gain in the 3rd trimester (this is when I expect to gain a lot, but I hope it is not so....), but if I continue to gain 3 pounds every 4 weeks, I will have gained exactly 25 pounds, which seems to the the agreed average of what women should gain in their pregnancy.

So then we met with the doctor. He was very nice and very friendly, but he made me laugh. So in the last few appointments, I've had my stomach measured (from pubic bone to the top of the uterus) because apparently, the length should be about the same as weeks you are along. So at my 24 weeks appointment I was at 23 3/4 inches and then at this appointment I was at 27 inches. Yay! So my doctor said to that, "Your uterus is 27 inches which is right on track...... this pleases us," and he proceeded to get out the dopplar and find the baby's heartbeat. Ha ha but I was having the hardest time keeping myself from laughing! He sounded like Gollum when he said "this pleases us." Who is us? It was funny. It was also funny because I was laying down with my stomach exposed as he tried to find the baby's heartbeat.  (For my representation of this doctor's assessment, watch this video and cut to 1:30.  - Jed)

Anyways, he kept having to move the dopplar around to get the baby's heartbeat which he said is great because it shows our baby is nice and active, which also means he's nice and healthy. Yay! Seriously, that made me so happy. It's so nice to hear your baby is healthy! It's so hard to know anything about your baby as it's inside you, and that can be a little scary, so I love going to the doctor to get that reassurance.

Speaking of being active, I have noticed this week the baby moving a lot more. Before, the best time to feel the baby was lying down, especially if I was on my left side. But this week I've been able to feel him a lot as I am sitting doing lessons with my students. Cool for now, but possibly annoying later. I love it though!

Anyways, that's been this past week. It's been great and I love that we're moving forward so well!

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