
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 29

Baby Stats:
Height: 17 inches
Weight: 3 pounds
If he were a fruit, he would be: a butternut squash

Is it sad to say nothing significant has happened this week? I suppose not, because you don't necessarily want significant things to happen when you're pregnant. Significant can often equal bad. I have continued to be grateful that our baby is so healthy, as well as me. It's nice to know that we don't have to be worried about how much weight I'm gaining, gestational diabetes, preclampsia, and all that jazz. I know I should still be aware of those things and watch for them, but it's nice to have the doctor tell me that so far, I'm doing great!

Can you believe that I have 11 weeks left??? And in 4 days I officially leave the 20's and enter the 30's. I will be 30 weeks along! 30 weeks seemed sooooo far off. The last 10 weeks have passed by ridiculously quickly (and I have a feeling that the next 11 will pass by really slowly).

One thing about this week: The baby has been moving a lot more during the day. I know he was before, but now I can feel it better. His movements have also changed a little. I definitely feel like he is still kicking and punching me, but I think he just rolls over and shifts a lot, because I've been feeling some new, smoother movements. They feel a little more like a stomach dropping sensation. It's interesting and fun.

A friend asked me this week if my appetite has changed much since being pregnant. I have to say, not really! I hadn't really thought about it much, so it surprised me when she asked because I realized it hasn't. Honestly, before becoming pregnant, I was not eating well. I snacked all the time, so I wasn't hungry very much. Now, I don't have opportunities to snack much, so I am appropriately healthy when lunchtime comes around, as well as dinner, even with little snacks between. I think I might eat a little more at my meals, but not significantly. Strange how appetite changes are one of the huge pregnancy side effects you generally expect, and for me the only change in food is that I crave sour things a lot.

Oh, speaking of cravings, we went to Brick Oven this week. You will never believe what I got. Spaghetti! If you know me well, you probably know that I don't like spaghetti and marinara sauce much. But I was craving it that night, and I got it, and it tasted oh so good. I had it for leftovers today and Jed was quite unhappy, because he doesn't like spaghetti either, and so I made the house smell like it. But man it tasted good.

So I was thinking, because my pictures from week to week don't look significantly different, I wanted to see what I looked like between several weeks. So here are a few:

15 weeks:

(Can I just say, I feel like I was WAY skinny back then! I actually was at my heaviest when I first got pregnant, but compared to now I feel like I was doing great ha ha.)

22 weeks:

29 weeks:

So there ya go! I like seeing this. There definitely is a difference between 22 and 29! What a difference 7 weeks makes in a pregnancy. What will I look like at 36 weeks??? (I can give you my educated guess: huge!)

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