
Monday, December 12, 2011

Crib = Bought!

Tonight Jed and I were out doing errands and decided to drop by Burlington Coat factory to see what they had for baby stuff. I rarely shop there, but I did know they had a baby section, and it was great! There are a lot of things there we don't need, thanks to Jed's sisters, but one thing we were wondering about was a crib. I knew which one we wanted (Graco Stanton at Walmart on sale for $118), but I wanted to see if Burlington could do any better. Guess what? It did! We found the exact same crib for $99! It was awesome. Another plus was that if you bought a crib, you could get a mattress for 20% off. Sweet, right? So, Jed went off to find someone who worked there to help us out, and while he was gone there was this couple and their parents all looking at the same crib. I knew it shouldn't make me nervous, but it did. But, they wanted a white one, and this one didn't come in white, so I figured we were safe. So the a store worker came back and turns out that the display crib was the last one! The lame part was that they wouldn't take it apart for us because they didn't want to lose any parts (makes sense, I totally understand, but still not fun for us), so we were going to have to come back to either hope that it fits in my mom's car or to take it apart ourselves. It made us stop for a minute to decide if this was really the crib we wanted, but for $99 to get a good crib? You can't pass that up!

Here's where it gets awkward. As we are trying to decide which mattress to get, that couple and their parents come back to look at the crib and ask the woman more about it. They definitely sounded like they wanted to buy it, so it was extremely awkward to be only 10 feet away and have to hear the store worker tell them they JUST sold the crib. They had seen us looking at it, so I'm sure they knew it was us who bought it. We both felt way awkward and really bad, but what can you do? I felt a little better because she said she could check if another store had one and would send it to them, so I hope they got their crib.

Anyways, we are now the proud owners of a crib and mattress (all for $150!) I love getting good deals and saving money. Here's the crib:

I think we both would have liked a darker color, but I like this color a lot too. So, another thing bought and ready! I think we're getting close to having the essentials for the baby! After Christmas, I think we will buy the crib bedding (maybe there will be some after Christmas sales???? I can only hope!).

Oh and one more sweet thing about Burlington: I got two 20% off coupons with my purchase! You can use them from December 26th-January 10th, so I think I will get a Boppy ($20 with the 20% off, normally $30 at other stores) and a diaper bag! From the ones they have there, I like this bag, but at the store they have it in dark brown and light blue, so I will get that one. So, 20% off that means my diaper bag will be less than $30! Man, it's awesome knowing I can get such great deals! It's hard not being able to spend money on whatever you want, but it is so satisfying when you get to buy things for really great prices. I hope that all this posting of me saving money helps you folks out there know what a good deal means in baby stuff! I never knew before, but after all my research of stuff, I think these are some pretty good prices on things. Maybe one day I will do a blog post about average prices on basic baby items. I hope my blog can help some people out there, as well as give some form of entertainment!

By the way, 165 days down, 115 to go!

1 comment:

  1. I love Burlington Coat Factory. That is where we got our crib 12 years ago.
