
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 22

So sorry I missed last week! We were traveling for most of last Sunday back from California.

Baby Stats Week 21:

Length: 7 inches
Weight: 11 ounces
If he were a fruit, he would be a: banana

Baby Stats Week 22:

Length: 8 inches
Weight: 1 POUND
If he were a veggie, he would be a: spaghetti squash

Some of the symptoms that have cropped up:

1) I think I have to give in and admit I have acid reflux. Isn't that a terrible thing to develop from being pregnant! I hope it goes away when I give birth..... Mostly it's been at night, but today at church, I had a lovely episode mid sacrament meeting.

2) Another thing I must admit: My urinary frequency has finally gone up. I've been proud for the last 22 weeks to be able to say I don't have to go to the bathroom any more than I had to previous to becoming pregnant, but after the last few days, I don't think I can claim that anymore.

3) My back hurts. Almost every day it hurts. It really killed, though, after walking up the RB stairs this week. Seriously, it's been a long time since I walked up those stairs, and it shows.

4) I feel very pregnant. I had to give up on a lot of my favorite shirts this week because my baby bump kind of seems to have swelled by a lot. I can't believe I'm going to get even bigger. A lot bigger. I hope that as I am getting into some good routines with work, I will be able to finally get back to working out. I've ordered my maternity swim suit so I can swim a couple of times a week at the gym. I also found a yoga video streaming on Netflix, so I can do some yoga! Perhaps I'll even be brave enough to get back to lifting weights, but I will have to be careful that I don't strain myself too much...

4) Have you ever heard the song, "Who Would Imagine a King?"

It's from the movie The Preacher's Wife. I love the soundtrack and listen to it every Christmas. This has always been a favorite of mine, but until the other day, I have never appreciated it so much!

I was driving home from work, singing along to Christmas songs, when this song popped up. I started singing the first line and almost immediately had to stop because I was too choked up to sing! The lyrics start out "Mommies and daddies always believe that their little angels are special indeed." So right there, it starts me off: Jed and I are two of those mommies and daddies, and we have a little special angel on his way! The song continues saying how you don't know what they are going to be when they grow up, but who would ever imagine a king? I thought about what our little boy will be. He could grow up to do anything! How amazing. And we will get him on that path.

The song also made me cry because I have never related to Mary, the mother of Jesus so much. I know our son will not become the Savior of the World, but our son will be special. I'm sure he will make a great difference in many people's lives. I can almost imagine what Mary might have felt. The anticipation of waiting for you baby to come is so fun, crazy, and awe inspiring. How must she have felt, knowing her Son was the Son of God? What an amazing gift to be the one to carry the baby, to give birth to Him, and to raise Him. It is wonderful to be pregnant. With all the crazy things it's doing to my body, it's amazing to be pregnant. To feel this little boy inside of me, moving, is the craziest thing. So this song brought up all these feelings, thoughts, and emotions and I couldn't even sing one line without tears pouring out of my eyes. To top it all off, you must listen to the end, because this little voice says, "Mommy," and to hear that after such a great spiritual song just topped it off and I sobbed a little! When I got home, I made Jed listen to it and I cried all over again. It's a wonderful song, and I have never loved it more.

So, there's the pregnancy in the last week or so. I just realized today that I will be 25 weeks along on Christmas, which as you know is the 25th of December! Fun little coincidence, I think.


  1. Cute!! I love how you're wearing the same shirt in each picture...are you going to make a flip book so you can watch your belly grow? That'd be too fun.

  2. Yes! I think it'd be way fun to see it in a flip book.
