
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gratitude Tree: The End of the Month

Hey there! So remember the post on the gratitude tree? (Click here for a reminder) In case you don't want to look at the link, here's what our gratitude tree looked like at the beginning of the month:

Well, while we didn't do as good of a job as I hoped for, meaning we didn't write what we were grateful for every day. We didn't even do it a few times a week. We did it once a week, so not too bad, right?

Here's the result:

Not too shabby, right? I have to confess, part of the reason this isn't more full is because I ran out of paper. I bought 3 yards of green butcher paper! I totally thought that would be enough.

It was great, though! We both had to stretch a little by the end to think of new things we are grateful for, but it was fun. I definitely want to do this again. Maybe not until we have kids who can participate, but it was fun. It's so nice to spend extra time thinking about all of your blessings. Conclusion from our gratitude tree: we are so blessed. We have blessings from living in a wonderful country, to an amazing church with living prophets, scriptures, personal revelation, the Holy Ghost, to wonderful families and friends, to random things like a warm apartment with a dishwasher and a comfy bed, to a loving Heavenly Father who gave us the gift of His Son, who in turn gave us the gift of the Atonement. We are so blessed! Oh and not to be forgotten, we have a wonderful baby boy on the way. It's incredible to think we we were chosen to live in this time, in our situation. What a wonderful life! I can't say it's not hard (my aching back will attest to that), but it's still been great.

While I'm on my gratitude kick, I have to say how grateful I am for Jed. What an awesome husband! Seriously, this guy is great. I couldn't have a more serving husband. He will do anything for me. How lucky am I? Especially in this time when I am so tired from teaching and being pregnant, he is the reason our house is not the mess it could be, he doesn't complain that my dinners I make are lame stain (because I generally feel too tired to cook), and he will rub my back every time I ask him to, which can be several times a night (granted, sometimes it lasts about 30 seconds, but he still does it!). I hope to goodness that all my friends have as great a husband to support them during their pregnancy as I do. Oh and since he knows I'm tired, he rarely asks me to do things for him.

Anyways, it's so great to have this holiday season to remind us what's important. We start with Thanksgiving to help us remember all of our blessings, and then we get the next month to be grateful for our family and buy them presents, but most importantly to remember the Savior, that he was born, lived on this earth, suffered and died for us, and was resurrected. I hope you all have a great December in this special time!

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