
Monday, December 19, 2011

Tracking the Baby Bump: Week 24

Here it is, week 24.

Baby Stats:

Length: 8 1/2 in
Weight: 1 1/2 lbs
If he were a veggie, he would be a: corn on the cob (OR not a veggie, he would be a letter)

So this week.... Nothing much has changed. I had my doctor's appointment on Friday, and if I get to choose, I would prefer to have this doctor deliver my baby. I don't know if all OBGYN offices are like this, but this office has like 10 doctors, so there's always a few at the Provo office, a few at the Orem office, and at least 1 at the two hospitals, so that no matter what, you will have someone there to deliver your baby! It's nice to know that I won't be left with some random stranger who I've never met before. So, in order to make sure the doctor's aren't strangers, they try to have you meet with a different doctor for each visit. So far, they have all been nice, but this guy, Dr. Rees, was just so nice, I felt so comfortable talking with him, and Jed liked him, so as the time gets closer, we'll see what we can do!

At the doctor's office, I discovered a couple of things. My next visit, at 28 weeks, I have to take the glucose test to see if I have gestational diabetes. Gross. They said it's like tasting McDonald's orange drink after it sat over night. Gross. Another thing I discovered is that in the next four weeks, I should be able to see my stomach move when the baby moves. Crazy! I'm excited for that. Jed finally felt the baby kick this week, so it will be awesome for him to feel him move more and even see him move!

Another lovely little side effect which I think I've talked about is my sciatic nerve freaking out. I've had some days where I get home from work and lay down (because my body is so tired), and then I get up and suddenly I will have a spasm every time I put my weight on my right leg. It starts in my lower back and sometimes goes down into my leg. Ha ha it makes me feel like a little old lady, because seriously sometimes it takes great effort to straighten my back to stand up straight. It hurts, but it's also rather amusing.

So anyways, this week, I was laying on my left side/stomach, and I wanted to get up to go find some food and use the restroom (seriously this happens all the time), and so I started to move, but without moving more than even 1/2 an inch, my sciatic nerve spasmed more than it ever had before. Oh it hurt! Ha ha so there was a long five minute discussion in my brain trying to decide how hungry I was/how full my bladder was and if it was worth it for the pain (which I knew would last only a few seconds, so I ended up bucking up and just doing it). Ha ha so instead of turning over normally, I kept my body as straight and stiff as possible and used my arms to roll my body over, and then I got up and it was totally fine, no pain. Perhaps this story is not as funny as it was at the time, but here be a warning to you all who haven't been pregnant yet: random parts of your body hurt, and you will get creative in avoiding that hurt.

That's really all that's different this week.... I continue craving sausage/breakfast sandwiches (yes, I'm craving that as I write this), I continue loving anything sour, and I feel like I can eat more.

Oh something that is a little different is that every morning this week I've woken up with a stuffy nose, so I blow my nose, and I have a little mini nosebleed. I can't decide if this is due to the fact that it's rather dry or as a pregnancy side effect. Either way I don't like it.

A couple of things I have yet to deal with (for which I am grateful):
  • Swelling of the feet, ankles, or hands (hallelujah I am so hoping this will be avoided)
  • Varicose veins. I don't know much about these, but I've been careful to check for them. 
  • An outie belly button. My belly button is no where near an outie, but I can tell it's getting more shallow. 
  • Stretch marks. I hear that if you gain weight at a good, slow, rate, you should be able to avoid these, so I hope that this continues to be the case. I gained 3 pounds in the last four weeks, so let's hope that my body continues to gain weight at this slow rate.
Well, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! I will probably be updating the blog for week 25 on the 26th of December. I hope you can all forgive me for not getting on my blog on Christmas ha ha.

Merry Christmas!

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